Announcing ChaosCon – November 18, 2023

“The chaos, however, is the chaos of a thundercloud, and direction will sporadically and violently appear.” – Mons’s Goblin Raiders

Join us November 18, 2023 for a day of Old School in Canada’s capital, Ottawa. All entry fees and money raised will go to our community’s preferred charity, Ottawa Food Bank. With inflation and people accessing food banks reaching historic numbers, the situation at the Ottawa Food Bank is critical. Old School community: Let’s do our part.

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Event details

Why things are different from last year

  • It turns out we’re not a very spicy community so the prize pool is being reallocated into raffle prizes and going deeper into Swiss standings.
  • We’re dropping Premodern this year and going the full 6 rounds (recommended for 33 to 64 players) for Old School for a few reasons:
    • 9 rounds of Magic is A LOT and people were pretty burnt out at the end if they did both events.
    • Only about 50% of people played Premodern.
  • November 18, 2023 is also this year’s date for the Santa Claus parade, which runs by the venue. The later start makes sure no one gets caught in traffic.

Swiss prizes

  • Stamped event card for all participants
  • 1st place Swiss: Stamped, altered Strip Mine
  • 2nd place Swiss: Stamped, altered Beta Mountain
  • 3rd-8th place: Stamped, altered Unlimited Dark Rituals

Raffle prizes

Raffle prizes will be raffled off throughout the event to anyone who registered. If you’re interested in donating, please email Recommended value: $20. Current prizes:

  • 2x Unlimited Control Magic
  • 4x Unlimited Dark Ritual
  • 4x Unlimited Disenchant
  • 2x Unlimited Lightning Bolt
  • 4x Unlimited Llanowar Elves
  • 2x Unlimited Regrowth
  • 1x Unlimited Sinkhole
  • 1x Beta Disenchant
  • 1x Beta Shatter
  • 1x Antiquities Spring Factory
  • 1x Antiquities Strip Mine
  • 2x The Dark Maze of Ith
  • 1x Alpha Swamp (from Paul G)
  • Swedish tote (from of Slanfan)
  • Random sword print (from Ken Meyer)

Silent auction

If you’re interested in donating, please email Recommended value: $30+. Current prizes:

  • Reimagined Guardian Beast print (from Ken Meyer)
  • Reimagined Erhnam Djinn print (from Ken Meyer)
  • Serendib Efreet print (from Anson Maddocks)
  • Lllanowar Elves print (from Anson Maddocks)
  • Elvish Archer print (from Anson Maddocks)
  • Dazed and Fusedcon revised alters: Sleight of Mind, Prodigal Sorcerer, Sol Ring (from Slanfan, Derfington)
  • The Brothers’ War – a Magic: the Gathering novel (from Michael M)
  • Clocktower gift card
  • Dominion City Brewing Company swigs and swag (from Evan W)

Decklist submission

Send your deck pics to on the day of the tournament or before.

Join the Discord

If you haven’t done so already, make sure you join the Canadian Old School Discord where we’ll be sharing more information.

Registration ($30 CAD)

When you register at the link below, you will be asked to send $30 via Paypal Gift/E-transfer to

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