LOBSTERCON 2023 – Player Report

After watching LOBSTERCON 2022 from the sidelines as both a Premodern and Old School player, I could not pass over the opportunity to participate in potentially one of the largest tournaments for each of my two favourite formats. I was ready to cash in all the family credit I’d accumulated over the pandemic.

My first international event was Eternal Weekend 2018, which I’d attended without knowing anyone — I’m an extravert, I managed. This event would be different. I have gotten to know so many players over the course of the pandemic through webcam tournaments and Discord discussions that I was prepared to go solo because I knew I’d be surrounded by friends. (Bonus: Four lovely Ottawa locals also attended!)

Knowing how fast the European Premodern Championship filled up, I took a 5-minute pause during a work-related call (their fault, the call went into the lunch hour) to refresh the webform on registration day. It is with pride that I say I was the fastest person to complete the registration form: a testament to my enthusiasm.

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