March 2024 Monthly – Event

22 Wizards

We had a record-breaking 22 wizards, besting our previous record by 2 people. That total included two new players.

Power Monolith finishing off the opponent

Lucky for us, the venue fits 22 people. Any more growth and we’ll have to expand into other sections.

Turn 1 Shivan; Bad news

After the first round, there were some technical difficulties. In a pinch, paper pairings did the trick.

Manual pairings

We had a great spread of decks across colours and archetypes. The only deck to appear twice was RUG Atog and both decks had different strategies.

Because we limit ourselves to 4 rounds so people get home for their bedtimes, more than 17 people risks producing 2x 4-0s.

Unlimited 40 side games

Lucky for us, Justin, who was 3-0 going into the last round, lost the pairdown in the last round. That meant the winner of the other 3-0 match, Drew vs. Jimmy, would be the sole 4-0. Drew ends up taking it in 2. Congratulations Drew!

Final standings

4-0 – Drew – Erhnamgeddon

3-1 – Francois – URB Burn Shops

3-1 – Fred FR – 4c Troll Disco (-2 Bolts, +1 Spirit Link, +1 Energy Flux)

3-1 – Glen – Lion Dib Bolt

3-1 – Jimmy – The Deck

3-1 – Joe – Power Monolith

3-1 – Justin – Mono Green

3-1 – Patrick – UBW Shops

2-2 – Andy – BW Deadguy

2-2 – Eddie – UWb Midrange

2-2 – Fred EN – UR Blue Moon

2-2 – Kevin – 4c Midrange

2-2 – Matt – Rasputin Red

1-3 – Dylan – UWR Skies

1-3 – Evan – Tin Feet

1-3 – Jason – Mono Black Aggro

1-3 – Mike – RUG Atog

1-3 – Raymond – RUG Atog

1-2 – Brian – Mono Brown Shops

1-2 – Chelsea – RW Weenie

1-2 – Kostas – Mono White Weenie

1-2 – Laura – Big Red

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