April 2024 Monthly – Event

Our 16 mages

We had 16 players join us for our monthly at the Royal Oak including a new player and a returning veteran.

Cancel culture

Like last month, we had a lot of unique decks and across all five colours.

Not great when behind

Given the spread, it’ll be hard to focus sideboards on beating a wide array of players.

Anti-shop tech

At 16 players, it means there will be a clear winner after 4 rounds.


Patrick (UWB Workshops) and Dylan (UWR Skies) faced off in the finals. Dylan mulliganed to 5 both games and was on the backfoot for both games.

Patrick overran Dylan with Robots and Patrick takes it as the sole 4-0. Congratulations Patrick!

Final standings

1st: Patrick – UWB Worshops

2nd: Dylan – UWR Skies

3rd: Paul – Erhnam n’ Burn ’em

4th: Francois – Burn Workshops

5th: Jimmy – The Deck

6th: Jason – Mono White Weenie

7th: Chelsea – WR Weenie

8th: Evan – Rock You Like a Hurricane

9th: Joe – URW Zoo

10th: Andrew – Mono Blue Merfolk

11th: Michael – BW Deadguy Ale

12th: Kostas – Mono White Weenie

13th: Freddie – Counter Burn

14th: Glen – ?

15th: Drew – GWU Erhnamgeddon

16th: Pat – The Deck

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