We had 17 players for October’s event. Royal Oak got us in the spooky spirit with on-theme decorations.
Despite it being the spookiest month of the year, there were no Mono Black decks.
Black was barely even seen at all.
RUG Atog was the deck to beat with 3 copies out of 17 players.
Green generally well-represented, with Argothian Pixies leading the charge against the Workshop boogeyman, which didn’t make an appearance.
After 4 rounds, it was The Deck (Lorenzo) vs. Mono Green (Joe) in the finals.
Lorenzo takes it in 2 games. Congratulations Lorenzo!
And a big thank you to Chelsea for the pics.
Final standings
1st: Lorenzo – The Deck
2nd: Dylan – UWR Skies
3rd: Joe – Mono Green
4th: Kostas – Mono Red or Mono White
5th: David – RUG Atog
6th: Matt – RUG Atog
7th: Andy – Bw Deadguy
8th: John – GR Aggro
9th: Patrick – WU Midrange
10th: Justin – Mono Green
11th: Eddie – RUG Atog
12th: Jimmy – The Deck (Substitute 2 Lightning Bolts for 2 Ivory Tower)
13th: Chelsea – Mono White
14th: Fred – UR Counterburn
15th: Francois – WGU Erhnamgeddon
16th: Mike – Mono Green
17th: Jonathan – BR Disco Troll