September 2024 Monthly – Event

After a small but brave showing for August, we had 11 players for September. Hot on the heels of the announcement for ChaosCon 3, players brought their A-game.

11 players meant we unfortunately had a bye (this is relevant later on).


We welcomed one new player, Sacha, who showed a natural knack for flipping cards 360 degrees.

Overunning White Weenie

A lot of people on their normal decks meant some tough competition.

Ironclaw Orcs holding down the fort

There was one 3-0 going into the last round. Patrick failed in defending his record which meant a 4-way tie among those with 3-1 records.

Grinding value with Sages

Because the organizer used a stand-in player for the ‘bye’, this meant players who had a bye were at a disadvantage (which isn’t how Magic tournaments usually handle byes). After a quick recalculation, Fred comes out on top with his tiebreakers. Congratulations on your first monthly win, Fred! and welcome Sacha!

Final standings

1st, 3-1: Fred – UR (W) Aggro

2nd, 3-1: Patrick – UBW Sage Midrange

3rd, 3-1: Matt – RUG Atog

4th, 3-1: Sacha – URW LDB (Lion Dib Bolt)

5th, 2-2: Kostas – Mono W Weenie

6th, 2-2: Paul – Mostly Black Midrange

7th, 2-2: Jimmy – The Deck

8th, 2-2: Alistair – BRU Dreaming of Juzams

9th, 2-2: Francois – 4c Atog

10th, 1-3: Evan – Clifford and the Big Red Deck

11th, 1-3: Dylan – UWR Flyers

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