We had 18 players join us for the lead-up monthly to ChaosCon III with many individuals re-joining us after a summer (or longer) break.

There was a balance of players on their tried-and-true decks versus those on new decks.
There was also a balance across archetypes and colours with a wide spectrum represented. If anything, mono-colour was represented less than usual as this monthly saw more splashes into 2nd and 3rd colours.

With 18 players and 4 rounds, there’s always a risk of having 2 4-0s. Thankfully, two 3-0s went to the finals so it was going to be a clean first place.

Lorenzo, returning 9 months after his last monthly (which he also won), beats Matt P on RUG Atog and takes down the monthly. Congrats Lorenzo!

Final standings
1st: Lorenzo – The Deck

2nd: Dylan – UWR Flyers

3rd: Matt P – RUG Atog

4th: Francois – Atog Shops

5th: Louis – RBu Trolls

6th: Jimmy – UR Counterburn
7th: Kevin – Lion Dib Bolt

8th: Jason – Mono Black Splash Red

9th: Patrick – Discount UW

10th: Michael – ?
11th: Jonathan – RW Tax Edge

12th: Glen – Lion Dib Bolt

13th: Fred – Mono Green Aggro

14th: Alistair – UWG Dasilvageddon

15th: Andy – BW Deadguy Ale

16th: Paul – UBW Deadguy Ale

17th: Matt G – ?
18th: Kostas – Mono Green Midrange