We were a smaller group this month with 8 players. We had 2 regulars begin round 3 of fatherhood, and we made the mistake of scheduling the event the same evening as the Throne of Eldraine prerelease.

Despite having only 8 players, we saw 3 new decks added to the meta: Reanimator, Merfolk and Bant Midrange.

Mono color decks continue to be well-represented in Ottawa.

Despite that, 2 multi-color decks faced off in the finals.

Bant Midrange made short work of Reanimator in Game 3 with an onslaught of Serendib Efreets.

Kevin was our victor and finished Round 3 undefeated. He was crowned September’s champion!

Final standings
1st: Kevin – Bant Midrange
2nd: Patrick – 4c Reanimator
3rd: Andy – Mono B Midrange
4th: Drew – Mono U Merfolk
5th: Kostas – Mono R Goblins
6th: Michael – White Weenie w/ BR splash
7th: Joe – Gruul Aggro
8th: Chelsea – White Weenie