We had 18 players for this month’s event at Clocktower. Thankfully, they let us use their basement so we had plenty of elbow room.

We had 4 new players join us with another popping in to see what we’re all about and snagging a few games between rounds.

Unfortunately, after the 3rd round, I noticed I made a mistake reporting a match in Round 2. This meant the last round’s pairings were done manually and there were mis-pairings in Round 3.

Louis (Atog) was the only 3-0 going into the last round.

In the last round, Lorenzo upset Louis. Without accurate standings, Lorenzo was crowned August’s champion for his feat!

Final standings
Detailed standings are not available because I buggered up on Challonge.
- 3-1 records
- Louis – Atog
- Lorenzo – Troll Disco
- Andy – Mono B
- Jimmy – The Deck
- Justin – Pink Weenie
- David – Mono R
- 2-2 records
- Kevin – Mono G
- Jason K – Mono B
- Patrick – UG Lands
- Drew – Bant Midrange
- Joe – Naya Winter Orb
- Matteo – Naya Weenie
- 1-3 records
- Sarah – Mono W
- Jason – UW Control
- Laura – Mono R
- Chelsea – Mono W
- Brian – Mono B
- 0-4 records
- Kostas – Mono R Goblins

More photos from the August event https://www.facebook.com/pg/terrainbasique/photos/?tab=album&album_id=360719664841478