We had a small, but mighty showing of 12 people with one newbie joining us.

Some players went from brews to their faithful decks, while others did the opposite.

Louis’s BUG Trans-beast continued to make for interesting action pictures.

There were only 2 mono-color decks, which meant there were plenty of colorful Moxes around.

We saw some new faces at the top tables as top tier decks struggled against not-so-well-known archetypes.

In the final round, Drew’s 5c Good cards faced off against Andy’s Mono B Midrange.

In the end, Drew beat Andy in 3 games and wins the January Monthly with a 4-0 record. Congratulations Drew!
Final standings
Detailed standings on Challonge.
1st: Drew — 5c Good Cards

2nd: Patrick – 5c Good Cards

3rd: Dylan – UWR Skies

4th: Andy – Mono B Midrange

5th: Ricardo – BRu Dreams combo

6th: Louis – BUG Trans-Beast

7th: Lorenzo – Troll Disco

8th: Jimmy – The Deck
9th: Mike – UG Midrange

10th: Matt 2 – WR Aggro
11th: Jason – Mono B Weenie

12th: Matt 1 – UR Midrange