We had 12 people join us so close to Christmas holidays.

We saw some spice come to play this month with a few typically mono-color players including a second color.
Continue reading “December 2019 Monthly – Event”We had 12 people join us so close to Christmas holidays.
We saw some spice come to play this month with a few typically mono-color players including a second color.
Continue reading “December 2019 Monthly – Event”We set another record with 20 players joining us for this monthly.
We had 3 new players which really emphasized how Old School is a format where you can enjoy Magic with your friends and family.
Continue reading “November 2019 Monthly – Event”We had 12 players join us for this month’s monthly, including 2 new players. The Canal Royal Oak graciously hosted us.
Before we started, we wanted to show off the trophy that Louis had won in Montreal. He won the Halloween Challenge the previous night. Congrats Louis!
Continue reading “October 2019 Monthly – Event”We were a smaller group this month with 8 players. We had 2 regulars begin round 3 of fatherhood, and we made the mistake of scheduling the event the same evening as the Throne of Eldraine prerelease.
Despite having only 8 players, we saw 3 new decks added to the meta: Reanimator, Merfolk and Bant Midrange.
Continue reading “September 2019 Monthly – Event”