We had a small, but mighty showing of 12 people with one newbie joining us.

Some players went from brews to their faithful decks, while others did the opposite.
Continue reading “January 2020 Monthly – Event”We had a small, but mighty showing of 12 people with one newbie joining us.
Some players went from brews to their faithful decks, while others did the opposite.
Continue reading “January 2020 Monthly – Event”Last year’s Dazed and Fused-Con helped bring new players to the community. We want to do it all over again, but better.
We will be playing in the basement of The Clocktower Brew Pub Glebe, 575 Bank Street, Ottawa. The area will only be used by the event and we will have a dedicated server.
There will be two organized events this year: Old School and Premodern. Proceeds will go to the Ottawa Food Bank.
Continue reading “Dazed and Fused-Con 2020 – Announcement”