We had 15 players to kick off 2023’s monthly event including several newbies who joined us for ChaosCon.

Green, normally considered the weakness colour in Old School, was well-represented in the nation’s capital. This includes Mono-Green and decks whose primary creature base is Green, such as Erhnamgeddon.

Serendib Efreets also had a considerable presence which means we might see some Cities in a Bottle in next month’s sideboards.

After 4 rounds, Erhnamgeddon, piloted by Matt P was the only 4-0. Congratulations, Matt! He takes home a very cold Order of the Ebon Hand.

Matt admitted to have net-decked the winning deck from ChaosCon winner Drew L, who played his same deck and finished 3rd.
Final standing
1st: Matt P – Erhnamgeddon

2nd: Andy D – Mono B splash Deadguy

3rd: Drew L – Erhnamgeddon

4th: Louis E – Rainbow Diamond

5th: Patrick B – Counterburn

6th: Kevin V – 12-Bolt

7th: Zach – Troll Disco

8th: Joe S – Mono-Green

9th: David P – Flying Mutated Men

10th: Lorenzo – Trolls
11th: Justin – Mono-Green

12th: John P – Jankernaut

13th: Jason K – Mono-Black Aggro

14th: Eddie R
15th: Paul G – Erhnam and Burn ’em