We had a smaller contingent this week of 11 people as colds and flu ravaged players and even our original venue.

We played at a different Royal Oak location commonly used by Commander players so we were in good company of other Magic brothers and sisters.

Local rookie Matt G secured his first ever win with Dreams combo versus local legend, Dazed and Fused-Con winner, and Winter Blast 2020 winner, Jimmy D.

We had a sole mono-colored player, with most players going at least 3 colors.

That meant we got to see a lot of Control Magic…

…including this board state, topped off with Lorenzo F using their sweater as a playmat. Apparently, a later game included a Serendib Efreet passed around 6 times.

Going into the 3rd round, there were 3 2-0s.

But alas, only one was 3-0 going into the 4th round.

Patrick won vs. the pair down (Mono U) with a Turn 1 Juzam Djinn and wins the February Monthly with a 4-0 record. Congratulations!
Final standings
There will be no Challonge link this time because of drops in the last round. (Challonge doesn’t handle drops at all.)
1st: Patrick — 5c Good Stuff

2nd: Lorenzo — Grixis Troll Disco

3rd: Drew — 5c Good Stuff

4th: Michael — RB Dreams

5th: Kevin V — Erhnamgeddon

6th: Jason K — Mono U

7th: Ernest C — Grixis Rack

8th: Matt G — Grixis Dreams Combo
9th: Dylan K — Jeskai Skies
10th: Jimmy D — The Deck
11th: Jim W — Twiddlevault
The Serendib Efreet passed around 6 times with Control Magic can be viewed in this photo on Facebook.