After a short break from Old School, 18 players joined us for some classic Boreal for March. We had 5 (!!) new players join us who quickly learned we take our old cards very seriously.
This was not a good evening to pack Blood Moons as mono colour decks were vastly overrepresented.

Three out of the 18 players on Mono Green, 2 on Mono Blue, and 1 each on Black, Red, White, and Brown.

Multi-colour decks took 5 out of the top 6 spots which certainly gives a nod to splashing blue for that Ancestral Recall.

Going into the last round, there were 3 3-0s, which meant there was a chance there would be a tie.

Francois (Atog Shops) wins his pair-down and Chelsea (Mono White) beats Dylan (UWR Flyers).
None of the 3 tie-breakers could decide a winner so we declared it a tie. Congratulations Francois and Chelsea!

Final standings
1st: TIE – Francois – Atog Shops

1st: TIE – Chelsea – Mono White

3rd: Dylan – UWR Flyers

4th: Alistair – WUG Midrange

5th: Michael – RUG Aggro
6th: Fred – URB Counterburn Shops

7th: Ryan – Mono Red Goblins
8th: Paul – Mono Black

9th: Glen – Mono Blue

10th: Joe – Mono Green

11th: Keegan – Mono Brown

12th: Patrick – UR Counterburn

13th: Marek – Mono Green
14th: Justin – Mono Green
15th: Andy – BW Deadguy
16th: Kate – UW Midrange

17th: John – RG Bloodlust

18th: Alex – Mono Blue Aggro